test text


427 E Colorado Ave
Colorado Springs, CO, 80903
United States





This class is for anyone who has any interest in the art and craft of creative writing. This class is for anyone at any level, but beginners are absolutely encouraged and welcomed. This course is an introduction and overview of creative writing and we will explore and practice together many different writing genres, styles, and ways of expression. This class will be a supportive, open, and safe place to attempt new ways to express ourselves and our worlds through writing. Each week we will explore different genres and then over the week while we are on our own we will complete a writing piece to bring back and share with the group.

This class will cover short-story, poetry, essay, fiction, non-fiction, and a genre of your choice!

A lined notebook to do stream-of-conscious writing in. A notebook of any kind (suggested). You will need whatever writing supplies you prefer. We will do some writing in class and you can do this on paper or on a laptop. You will write at home on your own time as well, so whatever you need for that. Please email me if you have any questions.

CLASS IN SESSION: SATURDAYS | MARCH 1-22 | 11:30 AM TO 1:30 PM | $120

REGISTER NOW: SATURDAYS | APRIL 5, 12, 19, MAY 3 | 11:30 AM TO 1:30 PM | $120 *NO CLASS APRIL 26*

REGISTER NOW: SATURDAYS | JUNE 7-28 | 1:30 PM TO 3:30 PM | $120


Jacqueline Viola Moulton (she/her) is an interdisciplinary artist, writer, and scholar whose work focuses around public, participatory, and performative poetry practices. Moulton has as Bachelor of Arts, a Masters in Art and Culture, and is currently is a Ph.D. candidate studying philosophy and aesthetics at the Institute for Doctoral Studies in the Visual Arts. Jacqueline makes and publishes queer, experimental, and posthuman philosophy and poetry zines under the moniker, The Depressed Waitress. Moulton's creative practice includes performance, installation art, illustration, and literary arts - exhibiting work most recently at Cottonwood Center for the Arts, Kreuser Gallery, G44 Gallery, Volcano Art Center, Dear Artist Project, and House Guest Gallery. Within scholarship, Moulton has just published a chapter in the book Pearl Jam and Philosophy by Bloomsbury. Moulton's creative work is showcased in one full length poetry text. Other essays, poems, and nonfiction is published in literary journals, anthologies, and magazines, including The Northwest Review, Andrews McMeel Publishing, Real Change Newspaper, New River Press, Beautiful Minds Unite, Beyond Words, Routledge Publishing, and others.