test text


427 E Colorado Ave
Colorado Springs, CO, 80903
United States





This six-week creative writing course will work on developing characters, listening to characters, enhancing characters, performing our characters, and the overall art of working with characters within our writing practices. The art of working with characters is an investigation into the self, the world, and into the other. We will really dive into how to explore the world of and with the characters that want to emerge from inside your writing. We will write and share our work together in a warm, safe, and welcoming environment! 

6-week class, plus a performance night!

All you need is something to write with and something to write on!


Jacqueline Viola Moulton (she/her) is an interdisciplinary artist, writer, and scholar whose work focuses around public, participatory, and performative poetry practices. Moulton has as Bachelor of Arts, a Masters in Art and Culture, and is currently is a Ph.D. candidate studying philosophy and aesthetics at the Institute for Doctoral Studies in the Visual Arts. Jacqueline makes and publishes queer, experimental, and posthuman philosophy and poetry zines under the moniker, The Depressed Waitress. Moulton's creative practice includes performance, installation art, illustration, and literary arts - exhibiting work most recently at Cottonwood Center for the Arts, Kreuser Gallery, G44 Gallery, Volcano Art Center, Dear Artist Project, and House Guest Gallery. Within scholarship, Moulton has just published a chapter in the book Pearl Jam and Philosophy by Bloomsbury. Moulton's creative work is showcased in one full length poetry text. Other essays, poems, and nonfiction is published in literary journals, anthologies, and magazines, including The Northwest Review, Andrews McMeel Publishing, Real Change Newspaper, New River Press, Beautiful Minds Unite, Beyond Words, Routledge Publishing, and others.